Thursday, May 14, 2009


All fireBRANDS floorballers please take note

There will be no training session on May 16 and May 23

training will resume on May 30th (fifth week)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Training training and more training

The second week of split training sessions.

Last week's training was awesome even though there weren't as many ppl attending, everyone had a chance to do more with more time. Drills, dribbles, and drags.. standard stuff for handling.
So the juniors had to run around cones, drag the ball turn about, sit down, lolz kidding kidding.. but yeah they did have to bring the ball around cones and do zig-zag running. then came game time and it was well lotsa fun till 3.

Then time for the seniors.. lolz.. same ol drills.. drags.. 2 on 1 etc etc.. game however was intense with 4 aside plus one goalie who after a while had to sideline due to blisters.. the game was tight with a number of shots from both sides.. but at the end of the day one side beat the other 4-1 with a better backball control i guess and lack of agression from the opposite team and also a little too relaxed line on defense. all in all training comes in handy to help us learn to apply the drills

sorry for the lack of pictures.. no camera available lolz.. and i'm too tired to write a long post.. :D

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Pics from Wave Challenge

scene of the day

our girls in action
in the face off

the Nomad and the captain of The Nomads having a chit chat
and The boys in action

waiting for our game..
girls waiting to get into action

Go Girls!!
ALEX!!! the secretariat for the day

Go for the ball Gary!! proud to be FireBRANDS!!

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